It's Not a Floor

Your pelvic muscles are more like a jellyfish, not actually a 'floor'. Learn about how a moving pelvic floor is more functional!

We know I don't prefer Kegels (in name or function!) I also don't prefer the word pelvic floor muscles. Because it's not a floor. A floor is a hard, solid, unyielding surface.

I like to think of the pelvic muscles like a jellyfish; dome-shaped, soft and adaptable to the ocean currents.

The pelvic floor must release downward with every inhalation and recoil gently upward with every exhalation. And just like a jelly fish, when we change the pressure within our core, the pelvic muscles respond and yield to the demand. This functional system keeps our pelvic organs supported (and keeps us continent!), provides postural support and helps us maintain good sexual health. To consider it a floor doesn't relate its function.

All women’s bodies are unique. If you would like to know more about how the above relates to your specific condition, email me here. Please also follow us on Instagram or join our private Facebook Group for a ton of free support on common women’s health concerns.

Next blog: Why Kegels Might Not Eliminate Urinary Incontinence