Postpartum belly binding vs compression support

Does postpartum belly binding work? What does it do? What kind of product should I buy? Is it harmful? How long should I do it? Is it safe after a c-section?

I get these questions all the time. I hope to give you some info that feels helpful as you navigate your postpartum body and all the do’s and don’ts you’ve likely been reading up on!

Some people will feel mentally, emotionally and physically better to know they will have some belly and pelvis support early postpartum. And in the following cases, I’d say go for it!

But how does it work? Right now, those floor and core muscles are at a disadvantage given the whole growing a human for 9 months and the labor & delivery thing you’ve just experienced. Wrapping and compression works by basically replacing the job your muscles would normally be doing by providing support for your spine, your organs (belly and pelvic), and supports those ligaments and tendons (the things that connect bones to other bones and muscles to bones). Here are some further considerations:

  • It is OK (with provider clearance, especially if you’ve had a cesarean birth) to bind for a few days up to a few weeks postpartum. Anything longer than that is not necessary AND might cause your floor and core to kinda forget it needs to do some work!

  • I would caution against ‘waist’ only binders. This puts undue downward pressure on your pelvic organs and pelvic floor muscles which have already been through a lot during pregnancy, labor and delivery

  • I like wraps that start at the hips/pelvis and wrap all the way to the top of the core, which is the diaphragm and lives at the base of the ribs.

  • You might also consider compression or recovery shorts, which come in a longer version or even pants! (Affiliate Link above. Use code JESSICADUFAULTPT for a 20% discount!)

All women’s bodies are unique. If you would like to know more about how the above relates to your specific condition, email me here. Please also follow us on Instagram or join our private Facebook Group for a ton of free support on common women’s health concerns.

Pelvic Rehab for Mom: Just as necessary as knee rehab for athletes

Seeing a physical therapist after spraining an ankle or sustaining an ACL injury is a fairly common practice for athletes and weekend warriors. There is a fault somewhere in the athlete’s system. It needs some TLC. If the athlete wants to obtain pre-injury level of activity (ie return to football or marathon running), physical therapy is important. Most people would concur, no questions asked.

And then there is diastasis recti, perineal tearing or c-section scarring. And hip pain, low back or SI joint pain. Women have just gone through 9 months of carrying and growing a baby. And the marathon or ultra marathon of labor and delivery. And yet, at our 6 week follow-up (6 weeks!?) we are told all looks good. You can resume life. And for some women, this is true. But for MOST women, it is not.

Many women continue for months (even years!) to experience pain with intercourse, pressure/heaviness in the pelvis (anterior or posterior wall prolapse), sneeze pee, pain with bowel movements and difficulty restoring pre-baby physical function. There is a fault somewhere in the woman’s system. It also needs TLC. Every woman deserves therapeutic guidance when it comes to reclaiming her body. After all, we wouldn’t blindly let an injured football player figure out his own rehab or even worse let him return to the game without any rehab.


I have good news. There is a specialized physical therapist just for you, to help you navigate the aftermath of being postpartum. I believe every woman should see a specialized physical therapist after the arrival of baby (or even before). I believe every woman should know this is even an option.

All women’s bodies are unique. If you would like to know more about how the above relates to your specific condition, email me here. Please also follow us on Instagram or join our private Facebook Group for a ton of free support on common women’s health concerns.

Next Blog: Women Benefit from Seeing a PT Early in Postpartum Recovery


Response to NPR's article "Flattening the 'Mummy Tummy' With 1 Exercise 10 Minutes A Day"

The latest NPR article about “Flattening the Mummy Tummy” came into my world from 5 different directions today. I read (initially between clients) and then re-read and then re-re-read this article. I desperately wanted to agree however it has my radar up, to say the least. In all fairness, I am not familiar with this specific technique, I have never been to a class and I can only speak about the method within the context of how it was written in the article. I do have some concerns (read: major opinions) and would like to open up more dialogue around this and all exercise techniques in the postpartum period.

  1. Mummy Tummy.  We need to change the culture around the ‘flat is fit’ mentality. Let’s just focus on being functionally strong and well supported in our day to day lives!

  2. 10 min of exercise will cure DR. First of all, just no. No, no, no.  It is a major disservice to tell women that one exercise for only a few minutes a day will fix Diastasis Recti (DR). What about how we are using our bodies the other 23 hours and 50 min? I think it is way more important to consider how we sit, stand, carry babies, lift weights, bend, squat, and carry car seats! It isn’t about ‘exercising’ the core but rather about ‘re-training’ the core. I have worked with many clients with DR and I am certain it isn’t a simple or quick fix.

  3. The ‘sucking in’ idea has to go. Far, far away. Sucking in the tummy muscles can do more harm than help. Think about squeezing the center of a balloon. If we create excess tension in the center, where does the pressure in the balloon go? Up and down. Either direction is problematic, but especially concerning is down due to pressure and stress on the pelvic organs and pelvic floor.

  4. Reflexive core. I do think these instructors are focusing on the involuntary contraction of the lower abdominals by utilizing an exhaling breath. This exhale is attempting to activate the reflexive core but really it is the combined function of the diaphragm, abdominals AND pelvic muscles.  This is what should kick in for us naturally as we move and I use an exhale technique to help my clients retrain the reflexive core. But I don’t cue ‘tighter, tighter, tighter’ at the abdominals. I cue a coordinated contraction among the muscles. And cue the ability to generate only the appropriate force necessary for the demand of the task. A simple roll over in bed has a different contraction and demand than when we are running or jumping.

  5. DR doesn’t have to completely close to have a strong, functional core. Not much else needs to be said here. My goals for a client are never to decrease DR by X amount. My goal is for the client to stop peeing when they sneeze or to decrease low back pain when carrying baby.

  6. This type of exercise isn’t functional! This is already somewhat tied into my other points. But sitting cross-legged, on your hands and knees or performing this while standing doesn’t exactly replicate life. What about holding a 30 lb toddler while reaching down to pick up a heavy bag? THIS is life. And often times, the postpartum reflexive core needs to be re-trained to know how and when to kick in with variable demand situations. A suck in and hold is just not how the core system works.

  7. A piece of me feels this preys on the desperation of women. Fix DR in 10 min over 12 weeks? Lose inches off my waist without doing anything else? I will have a completely flat tummy again? And finally....Let’s all measure and compare ourselves during class? Yikes.

  8. I am biased. I believe all women should have access to a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist in the postpartum period for solid guidance and support. For BIG PICTURE pelvic health and body wellness over the long term (because postpartum bodies are more complex than DR and belly fat). Can’t easily access pelvic PT? Check out all of our Online Programs here, including a comprehensive Pregnancy & Postpartum Program!

All women’s bodies are unique. If you would like to know more about how the above relates to your specific condition, email me here. Please also follow us on Instagram or join our private Facebook Group for a ton of free support on common women’s health concerns.

Next Blog: Kegels and Crunches are OUT!