Yoni Eggs

As a Pelvic Physical Therapists, I get asked a lot about Jade eggs otherwise known as Yoni Eggs. I think when used correctly, there can be numerous benefits from using Yoni eggs:

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Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM)-yes! When used correctly in conjunction with all parts of the core system (respiratory diaphragm, abdominals) this can help give your PFM biofeedback and improve the connection between your brain and body. It can help you find your muscles and work to correctly contract/release and thus improve PFM strength and endurance. 


Over-enthusiastic Kegeling or incorrect Kegeling can be a cause of pelvic pain. Some women need to only release PFM tension and do not need to do Kegels! 

There is NO need to keep them in all night (risk for bacterial infections...jade is semi-porous). 

There is NO need to stand/walk with one in. PFM never work in isolation (it needs to coordinate with your abs and breath too) and the PFM should never just squeeze and hold, hold, hold, hold, hold. It needs to be able to contract and relax, just like a jellyfish in order to absorb day to day forces. . 

Improvement of orgasm-yes! It is the PFM that contract/relax/contract during orgasm and It is reasonable to say that with better PFM strength and control, our sexual health can improve

Decrease incontinence-yes! Better coordinated core, more likely to active well during a laugh, cough, jump or sneeze

Improve lubrication-yes, possibly! Better movement, contraction/release of PFM can improve circulation/blood flow. And blood flow brings lubrication.

In my world, there is currently no research to support that the properties of the stone can

Balance hormones

Change/improve your Cycle, like alleviate cramps and lighter flow

Remember, no research does NOT mean you can’t or won’t experience some of these last few things!!

Do you use Yoni eggs? What are your challenges? What feels improved?

All women’s bodies are unique. If you would like to know more about how the above relates to your specific condition, email me here. Please also follow us on Instagram or join our private Facebook Group for a ton of free support on common women’s health concerns.