Period Headaches

Period headaches. If bloating, cramping, irritability, heavy bleeding aren’t enough, some of us experience headaches or even migraines right before, during or after bleeding. We can blame hormones for this (once again!), as there is a plummet in estrogen just prior to bleeding. 

Other possibilities that can lead to headaches? 


Anemia due to excessive blood loss



Suboptimal nutrition

Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy

AND according to Aviva Romm (Blog:, quite possibly an estrogen-histamine connection

Drops in serotonin levels

Even a decreased pain threshold prior to bleeding 

And here’s the thing. NONE of these symptoms, including headaches, should be considered normal! The menstrual cycle is considered the 5th Vital sign (American College of Obstetrics 2015) because it is a biomarker of a bleeding person’s overall health. If something is ‘off’ with you period, you can be certain something else is going on such as stress, hormonal imbalance, inflammation or other pelvic conditions to name only a few.  

I am disheartened/angry/incredulous to see advice on blogs and articles (from MDs nonetheless!) like “skip your sugar pills/period to skip the estrogen plummet to skip the headache” and “track your period in an app so that you can start taking Ibuprofen a few days ahead of time” This advice is essentially ignoring the underlying concerns with the 5th vital sign and is not good advice. 

Advice I can get on board with? 

  1. Anything that increases the awareness of your cycle, the understanding of your hormones and learning to SUPPORT and NOURISH your 5th vital sign

  2. Taking a workshop with a FAM instructor-they know SO much and can educate people young and old on body literacy and healthy menstruation patterns

  3. Listening to, reading or working with Health Coaches, Reproductive Health Practitioners, naturopathic physicians (or holistic MDs) who are experts in ALL things period 

  • Book: the 5th Vital Sign by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack and her podcast Fertility Friday

  • Book: Fix Your Period by Nicole Jardim

  • Blog: Hormonal Headaches and Aviva Romm’s podcast Natural MD Radio (multitude of topics on women’s health issues)

  • Assess triggers which could be a multitude of environmental factors, stressors,  food/drink such as caffeine, alcohol or sugar.

  • Watch xenoestrogens

4. And generally speaking

  • reduce stress

  • drink plenty of water

  • get good sleep

  • Anti-inflammatory diet 

Do you take your 5th vital sign seriously? What have you learned about your body that helps better manage period symptoms?

All women’s bodies are unique. If you would like to know more about how the above relates to your specific condition, email me here. Please also follow us on Instagram for a ton of free support on common women’s health concerns.